Thursday, July 26, 2012

York (Cold and rainy Saturday ♥)

It's been long time i didnt update my blog. Initially this blog is specially to decribe my life and journey in UK. But due to i'm hyper-busy always, i have left not much time. Mon-fri i having class and sat& sun i'm going for day trip.

My 1st trip is to York.It was my 1st day trip in England.York is about 1 hour journey from Sheffield. York is founded by Romans and is one of the England heritage cities. We went to National Railway Museum, Museum Garden, The Shambles, York Minster.

Yeah !!there we get our 1st day trip --York
Clifford Tower
Castle Museum

Fairfax house-finest Geogian townhouse

Direction map
Here i'm standing at the centre of the street.Behind me is the shopping high street
Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate is one of the smallest streets in York with the longest street name
The only 2 shops located on the smallest street

One of the stall selling soap in the continental market
The Shambles street is also called the oldest street in York. It was a street of butchers. The street was narrow lane. In some sections of the Shambles it is possible to touch both sides of the street with your arm outstretched.
Can you see the building which is outstretched like a triangle?

York Minster-The largest Gothic Cathedral in Europe

We manage to see the band matching session in the daily morning.
We having our lunchbox in this garden nearby York Minster. Here we are take 1take 2 take 3 pic

The Different pose of us

Camwhoring ^^

Betty Tea rooms-Founder by Bettys. She turn the furniture shop to the elegant cafe.
We cant manage to go in , as the queue is too long.

England famous of little small stall in everywhere
Barclays bank also one of the historical buiding. Based on the picture, we know that the Barclays have many years of history.

Yorkshire Garden

Let's have a Group picture before we say Goodbye to York!!~~

Thanks Manmeet for the camera, so we have this picture taken.

Ta Ta^^ Finish 1 day trip blogging, still got more to go..

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