Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Various of £1

1st row To the right:
Three Lions passant guardant representing England.
Thistle and royal diadem representing Scotland.
A Celtic Cross with a Pimpernel Flower in the centre surrounded by an ancient Torc representing Northern Ireland.
Leek and royal diadem representing Wales.

2nd row:
Lion Rampant representing Scotland.
A representation of the Gateshead Millennium Bridge with a border of struts.
Three Lions passant guardant representing England.
Shield of the Royal Arms representing the United Kingdom.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Manchester United -Trafford Stadium ✈

Manchester is a must-go for the Old Trafford Stadium.

For those who love shopping, Manchester is definitely a place for you!

With my groupmate

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Did you feel hungry now?? Let's the foods tell you how's hungry you will be..

Salad with breadcrumb

Pizza only 1 pound

Chicken curry

Spagetthi with sausage and bacon.. my favourite dish

Red dry chilli chicken

Potluck. Everyone been invite must bring a dish.. the potato ball and curry is make by my housemate.

♥ Mayfield Alpaca Farm

Last Sat , we just went to Alpaca Farm. Its about 30 mins drive from Sheffield and we took cab. it's situated outskirts of Sheffield. Actually Alpaca is one of Camel family. Its look like Ilama. But actually its real name is Alpaca. Its have a small face, with 2 small eyes and spiky hair. Haha..
Its not that tall about 150cm only. But when they sitting down its very cute. Alpaca is for sale about 1500 pound -3500 pound. Its a very memorable moment , as in my lifetime i wont have a 2nd chance to meet this animal as they normally in South America. I'm glad that i'm staying in Sheffield and yet i found this weird animal farm in Sheffield.

Total Spent:
Entrance: 1.50
Cab : 7.00

Dark Knight movie

1ST time watching movie in UK. Its cost about 6 pound. The seat is very small compare to Malaysia and not comfortable as well. Malaysia is still the best.. I miss Malaysia Foods, Family, Friends , and my lovely doggy Nono

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

London Day trip

Oh no.. i'm too tired to post the previous outdated post, and now i will try to post everyday what happening on me. I just went to London for a day trip with Jayson. We bought the ticket 3 weeks ago. Actually, i'm the one who accompanied him as he wants to buy some branded stuff for his family and friends. I was in the urge of going to London and have a look on hows London is. it was a very tiring trip. But i'm enjoy the moment like backpacker as we dunno the road, and we just use iphone to google where we want to go. I feel tired because of lack of sleep and there's is too much of stairs when we coming out from tube.

The underground system of London was very easy to understand. But it didn't stop me from taking the wrong train. The train had luggage space and was not crowded in the terminal station. Its totally different from Malaysia where you need to squeeze yourself like sardine and need to beware of pickpockets. Here there is less criminal.
The seats are comfortable

We are lucky manage to meet this 1st class train in King cross station

This is the King Cross/St Pancreas station, it is located in Central London. Love the lighting

Those who is Harry Porter fans must not miss this station. The Department of Transportation and the Ministry of Magic left a luggage cart half way through so you can find it easily! Kings Cross is a main Underground and Overground Station so it easy to get to from almost anywhere.

Borough Market is located in London Bridge. The best time to visit is on the weekends (morning till early afternoon). This is the place where Bridget Jones (Bridget Jones Diary Movie) was seen running down towards her apartment. Borough Market is a huge food market which sells food from all over the world including local British produce. Harry Potter and Prisoner of The Azkaban also previews Borough Market.

London bridge

The oldest Cathedral Church

Posting with the Olympic Mascot in The Monument

It was built between 1671 and 1677 to commemorate the Great Fire of London and to celebrate the rebuilding of the City.
By tube use Monument on the District and Circle lines or London Bridge on the Northern and Jubilee lines.
The Olympic Park. We are not able to go in the Stadium because we dont have the ticket. From the Stratford tube, you have to walk about 20mins to reach the stadium.

M&M super store in London’s Leicester Square. The two level store is big – full of M&M memorabilia and M&M chocolates. You can buy mix-and-match M&Ms.

Mix & Match your M&M

Here i reach the Chinatown which is located in Leicester Square.

Olympic Mascot near Trafalgar Square

Big Ben

Posting with the London eye

Manage to have dinner with Kai Ping , as he just back to London last few days ago.

Total expenses:66.95
Ticket train : 36.80
Day trip: 7.70
Cafe Nero: 2.45
Souvenirs: 10