Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Busy and hectic week

The weather in sheffield during summer

Beginning of the August, and can say sad thing is i'm going to have my final exam soon, and i'm going back to Malaysia soon.. I dont want :( .. i dont want to back Malaysia!!! The best thing is yeah yeah I'm going for my 14 days Europe trip and this is the most happiness in my entire life. I never been to travel for such a long week. The most also is 1 week which i had been to Aussie.

This week i got a 25% presentation which is present about the south yorkshire newspaper industries. Besides, i'm busy for my cr final assignment, i don't know how to vomit out 1500 words for this assignment and the most important thing is i don't know what to write. i'm scratching my head everyday just to think about it. The next thing is my PASBD reflective writing, oh my god, lecturer want us to write about 1500words about what we had learned about this subject, and what we experience through this learning curve. Shit.. how do i know what i learned for the 1st week?as i have short term memory. The worst worst thing is this friday i gonna have a MCQ Test, dont think MCQ is easy, its the most hard, i try to do the phase test, and i only get 2 out of 10 for the theory part. Oh my god..

Treat myself M&M for hardworking

Bought myself Liverpool jersey

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